The working title denotes the (dragging) feeling of just trying to be productive for the day, working on and finishing one piece at a time; and taking life, one day at a time.
At the same time, working piece by piece can bring a sense of increasing clarity, like a puzzle being solved; or the collage-like creative processes of Lui and Babylyn—layered, torn apart, and put together again; or just like the process of probing, healing, creating, and recreating the self—all are done piece by piece.
The isolation and the standstill imposed by the pandemic have (further) fragmented our society into small pockets of existence. For some, the small spaces are literal, where people (including the 3 artists) must reconfigure their lives and their concept of it – work, family, relationships, and self.
This project is an intimate invitation to sit with the artists in the sanctuary of their working spaces as they create their works, piece by piece.
Click the images to view the artworks